Community Geography @ AAG 2022

Mark your calendars for the following Community Geography-related sessions at AAG this year!
Note: all times are Eastern.

Also… keep an eye on our Twitter page: @cgcollaboratve for live-tweeting sessions, and use hashtag #commgeog during the conference for Community Geography-related communication.

Friday, February 25
9:40 am (Eastern): Practicing Community Geography I (Virtual Room 52)

Saturday, February 26
9:40 am (Eastern): Practicing Community Geography II (Virtual Room 53)

Monday, February 28
5:20 pm (Eastern): Scholar-Activism/Activist Scholarship: Methodologies of Care and Accountability in Just Food Research (Virtual Room 43)

Tuesday, March 1
8:00 am (Eastern): Bringing Youth Voices into Community Geography I (Virtual Room 31)
9:40 am (Eastern): Bringing Youth Voices into Community Geography II (Virtual Room 32)
11:20 am (Eastern): Bringing Youth Voices into Community Geography III (Virtual Room 13)
3:40 pm (Eastern): The Future of Community Geography roundtable (Virtual Room 37)