Join Us!

The Community Geographies Collaborative is officially seeking new members! The AAG board has (unfortunately) put a moratorium on the creation of new specialty groups, and so our application will be delayed a year. However, the goal was always to have a group membership and leadership group that exists outside of AAG, and so we are starting that process now.

The application for membership is available here. For this year, there are no dues or formal requirements. However, the application asks for your interest in participating in a number of opportunities, ranging from mentoring groups through workshops/trainings.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Become a member!

Join the Board!

In mid-January of 2021, we will put out a call for our first formal leadership board, and all members will be eligible to serve on and vote for that group. That new leadership group will hopefully be able to organize activities next year based on members’ expressed interests. If you are interested in serving this group in that manner, please keep an eye out for a nomination form via our Google group email list or by checking back here.