The 2019 Workshop on Community Geography (#commgeog19) was held in Atlanta Georgia on January 25-26, 2019. This two day workshop was held on the campus of Georgia State University in downtown Atlanta. It featured presentations from 41 sponsored workshop fellows and collaborative breakout groups around topics of common interest. Fellows were a mix of academic faculty, students, and community scholars. Through the workshop, fellows and other attendees identified areas of common interest and brainstormed opportunities for future collaboration.
This page hosts videos and other materials related to the workshop. These include
- The conference program and schedule
- A document summarizing the workshop and the breakout group discussions.
- Selected videos are also provided below and are also available as a YouTube playlist.
For more information on the workshop, contact Jerry Shannon–jshannon (at) This workshop was supported by National Science Foundation grant BCS-1832252.
Videos from #commgeog19
Developing an online database of racial covenants in Minneapolis – Kevin Ehrman Solberg
Sharing oral narratives about the Kent State shootings – Sara Koopman and Jen Mapes