Apply for membership!

The application for membership in the CGC is available here. AAG members can join our specialty group through the membership renewal process. However, this application asks for your interest in participating in a number of opportunities, ranging from mentoring groups through workshops/trainings and adds you to our official roster.

We also maintain a Google Groups-based mailing list as the official forum for group communication. If at any time you’d like to be removed from the list or update your contact information, you can find instructions for how to do so on Google’s help page.

If you are NOT an AAG member, we still request that you contribute dues that match your status ($2 students or community members/$10 university faculty) through the AAG website. These dues allow us to develop programming and create awards that support the work of the CGC and its members. To donate, go to; select “other” in the field “designate my donation to;” under the field “fund” hit the down arrow and scroll down until you come to Community Geographies Collaborative Specialty Group.